Author Archives: orest

Exercise Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer

By Orest Szczurko

running reduces breast cancerWhen data from runners and walkers were evaluated together, the risk for breast cancer mortality decreased by an average of 24% per MET hours per day of exercise, where 1 MET hour equals a little less than a mile of brisk walking or about two-thirds of a mile of running.

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Change of Season Soup

by Viktoriya Zabigaylo & Orest Szczurko

season soup

Seasonal changes may impact our health in a number of ways as our bodies adjust to the changes in weather and amount of daylight. Mood, sleep, appetite and energy can be affected, and we may be more susceptible to catching a cold. For this reason, fall and spring are important times of the year to support the immune system and heighten the body’s defense mechanisms. 

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Overnight Fasting Can Help With Cancer Prognosis

By Orest Szczurko

A 2016 study published inovernight fasting JAMA Oncology showed breast cancer survivors who fasted for 13 hours per night had a 36% reduced chance of recurrence than breast cancer survivors who did not fast.  The study appears scientifically accurate, as it followed 2413 women for 7 years, while breast cancer or any cause mortality was tracked for 11 years.

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Naturopathic treatment approaches to Lyme disease at our natural health clinic in Mississauga

By Orest Szczurko

naturpothic treatent to Lyme disease

Lately we have seen a significant increase in patients with severe symptoms of Lyme disease in our clinic. Public Health Ontario has also been tracking a steady increase in the number of cases of Lyme disease. In Toronto, high populations of the ticks that carry Lyme disease have been found at the Toronto Islands and in the Rouge Valley. Throughout Southern Ontario the risk areas for Lyme disease include Pinery Provincial Park, Point Pelee, Rondeau, Turkey and Long Point Provincial Parks, the Niagara Region, and much of eastern Ontario, from south of Peterborough through Kingston to Ottawa and Cornwall. (see graphic here).  These are areas many of our Mississauga patients often visit to camp, hike, beach and enjoy.

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Organic soy: A great and effective way to reduce breast cancer recurrence

by Viktoriya Zabigaylo and Orest Szczurko

organic soy benefitsFor a long time, women have been advised that soy products may increase the risk or recurrence of cancer. The evidence for this was solely based on in-vitro studies using a rat model, and it is now known that soy isoflavone metabolism is very different in humans. Recent epidemiological research suggests that soy protein consumption is linked with a reduced risk of breast cancer recurrence, and even all-cause mortality in multiple cohort studies (1,2,3,4,5).

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