Author Archives: orest

The Wonders of Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 from sun

We’ve known about the benefits of vitamin D3 for a long time now, and I’ve been using it in my practice pretty much from the beginning.  But some of the new research published about its preventative benefits is simply astounding.

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Naturopathic Approaches to Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)

Eczema, medically referred to as Atopic Dermatitis, is a chronic, itchy, superficial inflammation of the skin, frequently associated with a personal or family history of allergic disorders such as hay fever or asthma. Continue reading

A Whole System Approach to the Treatment of Vitiligo

After treating hundreds of patients with vitiligo since 2004, helping most stop the spread of their vitiligo and helping to induce at least partial repigmentation in many of those patients, I think it would be appropriate to share some of my approaches to treating vitiligo. Continue reading


allergie causes

With the spring finally upon us, many people’s allergies start to act up. All of medical science agrees that allergies come about due to an overreaction of the immune system. Let me take a minute to explain allergies from my naturopathic point of view.

I see the allergic reaction as a cup of immune system irritation that finally overflows.  Usually, just living in a suburban city like Toronto will cause some degree of irritation of the immune system due to the smog and other irritants in the air (1).   Just for the purposes of illustration, lets say this fills the immune system irritation cup 1/3 of the way.

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Yes, You Can Beat Diabetes!

I have successfully treated thousands of patients with diabetes by understanding and identifying the root cause of their problem, and then supporting the patient and their body in overcoming the root cause. This short article will briefly outline the pathology of diabetes, how and why diabetes becomes a problem, and the philosophy of our treatment approach.

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