Author Archives: orest

With So Many Uses for Calcium, What is the Best Way to Take It?

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. It makes up 1.5 to 2 percent of the total boy weight, and the bones contain more than 99 percent of the body’s calcium. In addition to it’s major function in building and maintaining bone and teeth, calcium is important in much of the body’s enzymatic activity. The contraction of muscles, release of neurotransmitters, regulation of heartbeat, and clotting of blood all also depend on calcium. Continue reading

Naturopathic Treatment of Cold Feet

Cold feet

In my Naturopathic Practice I often hear my patients complain of cold extremities and cold feet. This symptom can be indicative of numerous conditions.

From a Western medical point of view, Hypothyroidism, Wilsons Thyroid Syndrome, Diabetes, Neuropathies, Raynauds Disease and Phenomenon, Buergers Disease and Cardiovascular diseases can all manifest by cold feet. A discussion of each of these diseases could fill books, and while each of these diseases must be excluded during a thorough examination, from a Naturopathic perspective most of the cold feet cases we see revolve around stress and circulatory problems. Continue reading

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a specific depressive condition commonly encountered by 3% of our general population in winter, and occurring in 10% of depressed patients. SAD is a mood disorder associated with depression episodes and related to seasonal variations of light. As seasons change, there is a shift in our “biological internal clocks” or circadian rhythm, due partly to these changes in sunlight patterns. This can cause our biological clocks to be out of “step” with our daily schedules. The most difficult months for SAD sufferers are January and February, and younger persons and women are at higher risk. Continue reading

Protect Yourself From the Flu This Winter!

With daily Influenza Immunization Clinics occurring in the Peel region, and the impending threat of an epidemic in Mississauga, it seems that everybody is worried about the flu. But while there’s no need to over-react, concern that leads to preventive action is the appropriate response.

Everybody knows that the best cure is prevention. Thus, washing your hands frequently will prevent the spread of influenza via hand contact. After that it’s all up to your body’s ability to defend itself. So, besides than the influenza vaccine, what else can one do to improve the immune system and avoid catching the flu or cold this winter? Continue reading