Category Archives: Blog

Diet and Lifestyle Influencing Prostate Cancer Recurrence: Part 2

By Viktoriya Zabigaylo & Orest Szczurko

Diet and lifestyle are both important in the prognosis of prostate cancer. Part 1 of this review outlined the harmful factors that can worsen these outcomes. Part 2 of this review summarizes the beneficial effects of exercise and certain foods on reducing the recurrence and mortality associated with prostate cancer.

lifestyle habits
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Diet and Lifestyle Influencing Prostate Cancer Recurrence: Part 1

By Viktoriya Zabigaylo & Orest Szczurko

The factors that increase the risk of developing prostate cancer are not necessarily the same ones that increase the risk of its recurrence or progression. Recent studies looking at men diagnosed with prostate cancer to evaluate who does better during and after treatment have found dietary and lifestyle influences on the progression and death from prostate cancer, specifically after its diagnosis. Part 1 of this review summary outlines the harmful factors that worsen this outcome. Part 2 will focus on the diet and lifestyle measures that reduce this risk.

diet and lifestyle
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When you eat might be just as important as what you eat

By Viktoriya Zabigaylo & Orest Szczurko

Timed eating patterns such as caloric restriction and intermittent fasting have shown promising benefits with respect to weight loss and other metabolic changes. Recent research has gone one step further to show that timing of daily meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner –  can also have important implications on metabolism, blood pressure and diabetic outcomes.

eating habits
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Eggs Actually Improve Cardiovascular Outcomes!

By Viktoriya Zabigaylo & Orest Szczurko

Eggs benefitsMost people who are concerned about cardiovascular health and cholesterol have been told or have chosen to avoid eating eggs.  However a closer look at older and most recent research shows that eggs can actually be beneficial.
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Vitamin C reduces the risks of developing colon cancer

By Viktoriya Zabigaylo & Orest Szczurko

vitamin C example

Colon cancer is the 2nd most common cancer in Canada.  Processed meats such as kovbasa, ham and sausages significantly increase the risk of developing colon cancer.  But vitamin C eaten with these processed meats can reduce that risk.  Please read below for a thorough discussion of the research.

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