Category Archives: Blog

Organic soy: A great and effective way to reduce breast cancer recurrence

by Viktoriya Zabigaylo and Orest Szczurko

organic soy benefitsFor a long time, women have been advised that soy products may increase the risk or recurrence of cancer. The evidence for this was solely based on in-vitro studies using a rat model, and it is now known that soy isoflavone metabolism is very different in humans. Recent epidemiological research suggests that soy protein consumption is linked with a reduced risk of breast cancer recurrence, and even all-cause mortality in multiple cohort studies (1,2,3,4,5).

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Gluten Free Varenyky (Perogies)

gluten free varenyke recipeVarenyky (or perogies) are a traditional meal often made for special occasions including Easter and Christmas. With the holidays approaching, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice indulgences for your special dietary needs. This gluten-free varenyky recipe includes a great alternative to the dough, and can be made dairy-free if preferred.

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Coffee: Is It Good or Bad?

by Viktoriya Zabigaylo and Orest Szczurko

Coffe image1Contrary to the traditional belief that coffee has a negative effect on health, recent studies have suggested otherwise. A reasonable intake of coffee among healthy adults, corresponding  from 1 to 3 cups of brewed coffee per day (containing less than 400 mg of caffeine) has been shown to elicit a neutral or positive effect on health.

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Second Toe Longer Than Your First Toe? Take a Better B Complex

by Orest Szczurko                 Photo_of_Morton's_Toe

If your first, big, toe is shorter than your second toe (more specifically: if the crease between toes 1 and 2 is deeper than the crease between toes 2 and 3), you may have something called Morton’s foot or Morton’s toe.  This can cause several physical problems relating to posture and ergonomics such as back pain, hip pain, knee pain, arthritis, bunions, and fibromyalgia.

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Naturopathic Detoxification

by Viktoriya Zabigaylo and Orest Szczurko

With the growing amount of toxins in our environment, food and water, there has been an accompanying rise in the rates of cancer and asthma prevalence. 90% of all cancers are attributed to the causes of environmental carcinogens as well as the lack of nutrients that the body needs for proper functioning of the detoxification systems. Environmental toxins can also be the culprit of adrenal gland damage, can interfere with thyroid hormone secretion, cause autoimmunity, or can interfere with reproduction. The nervous system is particularly vulnerable. Increased toxin exposure or buildup can further lead to dermatological, gastrointestinal, respiratory or muskuloskeletal problems.

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