by Viktoriya Zabigaylo
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by Viktoriya Zabigaylo & Orest Szczurko
The general label “food sensitivity” encompasses all adverse reactions involving the ingestion of food1. This includes immune processes that are heightened as a result of a food allergy, or metabolic processes not involving the immune system, such as food intolerances. While allergies are more commonly developed in the first few years of life and largely diminish with age, intolerances may show the opposite progression (as is often the case with a lactose intolerance)2. All food sensitivities, however, are largely dependent on hereditary factors, immune responses, intestinal permeability and food exposure1.
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Our Mississauga naturopathic clinic has been safely and effectively administering intravenous multivitamin injections, commonly called Myers’ cocktails, for over 11 years.
The Myers’ multivitamin injection consists of B vitamins including B3, B5, B6, B12, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients. These vitamins are mixed in a small sterile intravenous saline bag and injected into the vein over 20 to 60 minutes. Usually there are no side effects to the treatments.
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Tagged Intravenous injection, Multivitamin injection, Myer`s cocktail
With the winter approaching, it’s time to think about vitamin D once again.
There is a lot of research evidence showing the usefulness of vitamin D in cold and flu prevention. Naturopaths in Mississauga have also been touting its benefits for curbing joint inflammation, autoimmune disease (reducing the risk of Multiple Sclerosis by up to 54% for example), and seasonal affective disorder for years. Continue reading
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Tagged Dementia, Naturopathic fertility treatment, Vitamin D
The origin of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) (гречка or hrechka in Ukrainian, sarrasin in French) is not entirely clear. Early traces of buckwheat have been found in Finland around 5300 BC and the Balkans. But most sources report that that the first large scale cultivation was in Southeast Asia then moving to Central Asia and Tibet. Continue reading
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