
Our team – Noumena practitioners in Mississauga

Noumena Naturopathic Health Clinic in Mississauga is a place where a team of qualified professional practitioners has come together. Our team includes:  

  • Naturopathic doctors;
  • Dietitian;
  • Osteopathic manual practitioner.  

The main goal of our practitioners is to work with the patient to identify the cause of their discomfort and help the body heal from illness.

Naturopathic doctors in Mississauga

Dr. Orest Szczurko, ND, MSc

Dr Orest Szczurko, ND has been in clinical naturopathic practice since 2003.  Using his research and clinical naturopathic experience, he helps patients with a variety of concerns, including autoimmune, skin and chronic conditions.

Orest Szczurko - naturopathic doctor in Mississauga

To contact Dr. Orest, a naturopathic doctor in Mississauga, email or call (416) 722-9136.

Dr. Viktoriya Zabigaylo, HBSc, ND

Dr. Viktoriya Zabigaylo, ND is a licensed naturopathic doctor helping patients optimize their health by addressing the root cause of illness. All health concerns are accepted, with clinical interests including skin conditions, digestion, immune health and women’s health and hormones. Other areas of interest include fatigue, joint and muscle pain, and weight management.

Naturopathic doctor in Mississauga - Dr. Viktoriya Zabigaylo

To contact Dr. Viktoriya, email or call (647) 202-2446

Dr. Viktoriya, ND offers both in-person and virtual care

Dietitian in Mississauga

Joanna Szczurko, BSc, RD

Joanna Szczurko, BSc, RD is a registered dietitian with over 20 years of clinical experience in Ontario hospitals. Her areas of practice include gastroenterology, with special interest in celiac disease, fatty liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, metabolic syndrome including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and kidney disease. 

Joana Szczurko - dietitian in Mississauga

To contact Joanna, email or call (416) 844-0677

Osteopathic Manual Practitioners in Mississauga

Leszek Wojciechewicz, DOMP, DO MRO, RMT 

Leszek Wojciechewicz, DOMP, DO MRO, RMT is a registered massage therapist and osteopathic manual practitioner in Mississauga. His practice focuses onin treating physical issues of the body’s parts and muscles. The primary focus of his work is to reduce physical pain in the body and restore normal physiological functioning. 

To contact Leszek (Les), text or call (416) 839-4837