Eczema: naturopathic treatment

Eczema causes and naturopathic treatment in Mississauga

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a skin condition characterized by itching and unpleasant sensations. This condition can have either a short-term or chronic condition. Although it is often believed that eczema is primarily a disease of  infants and children, adults can also suffer from atopic dermatitis. Fortunately Noumena naturopathic health clinic in Mississauga offers eczema naturopathic treatment.

eczema treatment

The main causes for eczema

There is no definitive answer regarding what may cause eczema. Among the important factors contributing to the occurrence of this chronic dermatitis are:  

GeneticsPeople with family members who have eczema have a higher chance of developing this condition.
AllergiesThis condition is often triggered and exacerbated during seasonal allergies.  
Immune systemIf a person has disruptions in their immune system, it may lead to the development of the disease.  

Common symptoms of eczema include:  

  • Severe itching;  
  • Inflamed areas of skin on the body;  
  • Dry skin;  
  • Peeling skin;  
  • Increased sensitivity in affected areas of skin.  

If you have any of these symptoms, you should consider options like natural eczema treatment.

Natural ways to heal eczema 

Naturopathic eczema treatment includes two solutions to the problem: alleviating and preventing itching, and addressing the underlying issue that triggers the development of atopic dermatitis. The approach to treating this condition may involve various naturopathic treatment methods. Among the common methods of natural eczema treatment are:  

  1. Identifying and preventing eczema triggers;  
  2. Identifying allergens and immune irritants, and calming the immune system during the treatment period;  
  3. Soothing ointments for local relief of inflammation and itching;  
  4. Acupuncture and others.  

Overall, every case is individual, so a naturopath may recommend various eczema treatment approaches for each patient.

Naturopath for eczema at Noumena naturopathic clinic in Mississauga

Eczema affects a person’s life and well-being. That is why it is important to seek help from specialists to alleviate symptoms and improve skin condition.  In our naturopathic clinic, you can find a naturopath for eczema in Mississauga. To receive naturopathic treatment for eczema, book an appointment by email or or call (416) 722-9136 or (647) 202-2446.